A little fart out to your mental health

A little fart out to your mental health

A little shout out to your mental health.We are constantly bombarded with the input thrown at our brains from this thing we created called society. Whether it is – keeping up with social norms when dealing with friends and family or dealing with the 'job' and all that entails or just plain old existential dread and all the thoughts that come with that ; our minds are just exploding with all sorts of feelings, ideas, emotions all at the same time. It all seems too much to deal with sometimes and you start having anxieties even for the smallest of interactions. Ever see your phone ringing and you just don’t want to answer it, not because it is anything stressful it’s just that you don’t want to deal with anything or anyone. Remember when you were younger and you would be dying to go out, meet people, hang out, do anything so that you aren’t alone at home getting bored. Not anymore, now you crave to be left alone doing whatever you prefer but just without people. Yup it is hard sometimes to motivate yourself, to put yourself out there, to have meaningful relationships and to make new friends. Whenever you are feeling this crisis come upon you just remember these three words “people are shit” which means you don’t have to please anyone and everything you are “supposed” to do is just made up nonsense. You didn’t ask to be here, you just are and if any of the list of things society expects seems unreasonable you don’t have to do it. Pick your battles depending on your priorities and walk away from the fights which just aren’t worth it. Make sure you keep moving toward your goals no matter what anyone says and remember “people are shit” and so are you.

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